Monday, April 4, 2011

The Adventure So Far!

Hey guys this is Riley Stuart. All of us here in New York are having a wonderful time! On Sunday we had our Kids Jam services in the Haitian Church, and also the Fountain for the Nations Church. We all have a very good feeling that all the kids had a very good time, and learned more about God. Today, we are painting our hearts out! All of the rooms are looking amazing, and we are hoping to finish all of them tomorrow. Talk to you guys later!

Hey,it's Ali Shaw. So to start off, new york is AMAZING. I'm in love with it! Saturday night we went to times square. We heard and saw some weird things but it was awesome. We ate at TGI Friday's and saw someone propose to their girlfriend while looking out the window. It was cute. We road the subway to get everywhere. A few of us have had conversations with the people on there but the rest of us stood in a group. Kensley, Mallory, and I met some kids that were on a field trip from Paris. Only one of them could speak fluent English but it was cool learning some French words. Well I'm gonna go! Miss you everyone. -Ali (:

We have such a great group of students on this trip! They have done awesome with navigating the subway, jumping in on each task and encouraging each other. Today and tomorrow we are PAINTING, PAINTING, PAINTING, as we makeover three Children's Rooms for the Fountain for the Nations Church. It's really cool to see the students use their creativity and take such pride in their work. Will post pictures when we're finished:) Right now we are headed back to get ready to hear from Josh Lee about Metro Ministries and watch the Butler game from the top of the Getz's apartment building! Go Bulldogs:)

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