Monday, July 19, 2010

Getting up every morning is fun cuz leah and i get up like 30 min before everyone. when we are up we get ready and talk, after a hot and hard day yesterday we had a lot to talk about...the funny thing is we talked about how excited we were for today and how much we wanted to help everyone. (: we were jumping around like crazy people the first half of the day. we wanted to help so badly...when we got there we were smiling at everyone and tried our best to be encouraging. the hard part was the fact some of the people did not want our help and so it took them a while to trust us. we helped with a variety of apartments today. leah and i were cleaning windows with dirt everywhere and had a blast! i love how God puts joy in people when they ask and truly want it. (:

Hannah Klimek [:

Like Hannah said, the day started out kind of rough. Yet, by the end of our service time, people became more and more receptive. Late, we visited the World Trade Center where, without fail, I cried a ton and left the building with a knot in my throat. To somewhat "lift our spirits" we went for a ride on the Staten Island Ferry :) For dinner, we came to the Getz's home.

On a more spiritual level, Chelsea, Amanda, Jeff, and Christine Getz shared their story with us. One of the coolest things for was when Jeff was talking. In my head, I was forming a question concerning the field or work I want to go into. As I was thinking, Jeff answered my question as precisely as if I had actualy voiced the question!

Signing off,

Meredith Kreigh

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to see what a great time you are having and the fun at your VBS events! The sunglasses look really cool on the kids! I am praying for you all and the impact you are making! Tell the Getz family that Janna sends her love to them...

